programmable logic array – PLA


Redox based resistive switching (ReRAM) devices are promising for future computing applications in logic and computing. One method to realize logic functions using ReRAM devices are programmable logic arrays (PLA). Advantages of PLAs using ReRAM devices are their compactness and re-programmability. Those PLAs are used in pattern matching tasks or searches [1]. A requirement to realize a logic function through a PLA is that the function is written in the Sum of Products form.

This web application gives the user the possibility to realize different logic functions, such as AND, OR; XOR or different adders, by choosing one of the various settings. Alternatively, the users can program the PLA themselves by first clicking RESET and then setting the cross-points in the input and output plane.

The PLA is made up of two input AND planes (yellow) and one output OR plane (green). The circles represent ReRAM devices that can be either in the Low Resistive State (LRS) or High Resistive State (HRS). The LRS is represented by the dark blue color while the HRS is represented by the light blue color. The input signals x(x3x2x1x0) and y(y3y2y1y0) are each required in their inverted and non-inverted version. The possible logic levels of an input signal, which are ‘0’ or ‘1’ respectively, can be set by clicking on the number above the specific bit position. They are represented by a grey (‘0’) or red (‘1’) vertical line directly below the corresponding bit position.

In the Caption section we explain how to realize an AND operation between two 1-bit values x0 and y0 using ReRAM devices in a more detailed way. The requirements for realizing a PLA with ReRAM devices are a large Roff/Ron ratio well as choosing a reference resistor Rref between Roff and Ron.

The four different cases represent the different input combinations (x0/y0) = {(1,1), (1,0), (0,1), (0,0)}. While equations (1) to (4) showcase the voltage across the reference resistor Vref as a function of the applied reading voltage Vin.

The summary section showcases the relationship between voltage and output state.





Predefined functions:
+ =
